Get your flu shot, avoid Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer; News from the web:

Everyone has their eyes on this year’s flu season, which is predicted to collide with the on-going COVID-19 pandemic.

The CDC and other health agencies are already issuing strong recommendations to the public to get their flu shot as early as possible.

In addition to protecting against the flu, flu shots may also have an unexpected benefit: lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Read all about it HERE

Alzheimer’s drug for Autistic kids?

Alzheimer; News from the web:

An interesting development is that apparently an experimental drug, aimed to help people with Alzheimer’s, could play a role in helping children with certain types of Autims. Read the full story in our link for today.

Read all about it HERE

A better test for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer; News from the web:

Clinical trials of Alzheimer’s medicines have failed frequently but now researchers believe that this may have been caused by the drugs given too late. So if they could just develop a test that would detect Alzheimer’s earlier, it would make the drugs that have failed for use later in the process, so much more productive.

Read all about it HERE

Asthma drug for Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer; News from the web:

A laboratory study has found that the asthma drug salbutamol prevents the formation of tangles of fibrous protein that are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. The next step will be to test the drug in animal models of the disease.

Read all about it HERE