Alzheimer; News from the web:
Read the heartbreaking story about a child getting child alzheimer’s. It is rare but it certainly exists.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
Read the heartbreaking story about a child getting child alzheimer’s. It is rare but it certainly exists.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
A small village in Dax, France, is working to find a better way to handle the increasing caseload. In one of the first research projects of its kind, the small town houses around 110 people with early- to late-stage Alzheimer’s who are free to roam and visit the village’s supermarket, hairdresser, restaurant, café, library, and music hall. With a daily cost of €65 ($75), the program aims to allow people to exist with greater autonomy, purpose, and freedom without facing immediate financial hardship. “If it is not for everyone, it doesn’t work,” said Mathilde Charon-Burnel, a spokesperson for the experiment.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
Getting an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can quickly plunge families into unfamiliar territory, navigating a sea of specialists, looking for caregiving support, and scrambling to put together a dynamic care plan. Barron’s talked with experts on aging about some of the best ways to prepare.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
The people at Compare Credit Cards & Apply Online at have provided a great guide to help your loved one with their finances and things to watch out for.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
Navigating the Holidays with someone who has Alzheimer’s can be tricky. The current pandemic is certainly not helping either. But Pam Myers, program director for the Alzheimer’s Association Northwest Ohio Chapter, said caregivers need to look for ways to de-stress by creating new traditions and finding new ways for their family members to help make this season satisfying for all. See her tips in our link for today.
Read all about it HERE
Alzheimer; News from the web:
Preparing for the holidays can be a sweet time together. But part of managing expectations involves staying focused on the task rather than the outcome. Mix batter, decorate cookies, open holiday cards or make simple decorations.
Read all about it HERE