A better test for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer; News from the web:

Clinical trials of Alzheimer’s medicines have failed frequently but now researchers believe that this may have been caused by the drugs given too late. So if they could just develop a test that would detect Alzheimer’s earlier, it would make the drugs that have failed for use later in the process, so much more productive.

Read all about it HERE

Early detection

Alzheimer; News from the web:

There may not be a cure yet for Alzheimer’s disease but now there is a faster way to get an early diagnosis.

Neurosciences Medical Clinic now provides a NEW service that allows for the early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Science allows us to combine a series of physical, memory, imaging and genetic testing in order to determine if someone has Alzheimer’s Disease in order to prepare for what is to come later on in life.

Please Contact Neurosciences Medical Clinic at 786-600-7004 in order to learn more or follow their social media pages @NeurosciencesMedicalClinic or click on their webpage: Neurosciencesclinics.com. The clinic provides free initial screening.

Read all about it HERE

Early and remote detection is key

Alzheimer; News from the web:

Within a few years, doctors will be able to remotely evaluate patients for their risk of developing Alzheimer’s diseaseParkinson’s disease and frontotemporal dementia — without having to hook them up to expensive, cumbersome machines generally found only in hospitals. That’s the vision of Israeli entrepreneur Nathan Intrator, CEO of Neurosteer. “Millions of people suffer from neurodegenerative diseases, and as life expectancy goes up, that number will only increase,” 

Read all about it HERE

A new blood test that could change things

Alzheimer; News from the web:

A simple blood test may soon be able to diagnose patients with two common forms of dementia – Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) – and tell the two apart.

Researchers at UC San Francisco analyzed the blood test in more than 300 patients and say they hope to see such a test available in doctor’s offices within five years.

Read all about it HERE